commentaire : | containing an accurate statistical and historical description of all the institutions, public edifices, curiosities, etc., of the capital; an abstract of the laws affecting foreigners; highly useful comparative tables of french and english weights and measures; money; thermometrical scales, etc.; a table of french and english customs duties; with information for travellers; and a directory of parisian bankers, tradesmen, etc.. to which is added A DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONS. the whole compiled from the best authorities, carefully verified by personal inspection, and ARRANGED ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAN. PARIS, published by A. and W. Galignani and Co. Rue Vivienne, No 18. 1843." Original cloth, VII, 575 pages, 18 pages, plan of Paris. Including a lot of steelengravings, complete. 8°, 15,5x10 cm. |